by The Truth Reporter
The current Administration is extremely upset at a carry over from the previous administration that he believes is responsible for this controversy.
“After looking into this Reyes incident more thoroughly it is clear now,” said Charles, “that a former Babauta appointee from the previous administration is responsible for everything.” Fitial is furious that his initial desk audit of political loyalist did not turn up this individual who is responsible for this current incident when he took office. “At that time I put in place my buddies in every department. Their mission was simple. Check all staff and remove anyone tied to any party other than the Covenant Green party. I was assured this had been done! I am appalled that one slipped through. Heads are going to roll.” He went on to say, “ after the Local DPS covert and surprise drug bust slated for Friday at 2:00pm he will assemble the one remaining department head and all acting department heads and find out who is responsible.”
Reporters have discovered that the person that is the focus of Fitial’s anger is one Joe Senpasdot. He apparently was put in charge of destroying public records and inadvertently forgot to burn all outstanding drug test results and inter department evaluations and communications. We contacted him for a response but he was unavailable at the time. His wife however is asking for the community's help. It appears he has been missing since this story broke 5 days ago.
Fitial asked that we include a quote from him in this article. “This is just another negative result of Federalization. Please, DEA do not bring charges against Pete Reyes. Like me, he is allergic to lawsuits. Let it BE!”
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