Too Good To Be Archived

Here is a little exchange that took place on an online site yesterday. I went back to see it and found out that it is nearly impossible to find. I think it needs more prominent exposure. Especially since it so blatantly displays the arrogance and the double standards of our current administration. [sidenote: I loved the fact that SaipanDailyYapper also caught the line the Governor used at the debate in which he outrigth admitted to violating our constitutional checks and balances.]

From the 'It's Not a Friendly System' story on the Variety, comments section in the 10/28/09 edition:

[start comments]

from Newswatcher 2009-10-28 13:21
How does the Transparency Queen, Tina Sablan, feel about a 30 day comment period followed by an immediate implementation of the rule whether the victim (us) likes it or not, comments or not or just plainly says no?

After all, the imposer in this case is her role model and secular God, the US Government.As expected, this is another ramrod job by the guys-with-a-gun.

from TheTruthHurts 2009-10-28 15:09

You have some serious issues. Learn to think for yourself. November 28th is the start of the TRANSITION phase. The DRAFT INTERIM regulations that have been sent out for comments will affect what occurs during the 5 YEAR transitional phase. So the regulations will undoubtedly be altered in the coming months and years. So make comments if you (the victim) feels like you have problems with the regs. I (not a victim) will too.

Why not just admit it. You are upset that the Federal government is working with the CNMI. You are mad that they are ready. You are livid that they are reasonable. You are angry because your control over the guest workers in the CNMI is coming to an end.

See you at the Town Hall Meeting on Friday evening!

Hey Newswatcher, how do you feel about the ramrod job that Fitial is still doing to all of us?

You know the Federalization lawsuit.

The one he rammed down all of our throats without our consent.

The one that the legislature outright opposed and did not fund with tax payer money.

The one that the AG did not sign off on and did not even know about.

The one that we still don't know how much truly cost all of us.

The one that had cost us at least $1.3 million dollars for the first 6 months.

The one that even Jenner said would not have a shot at being successful.

The one that has our names (The Commonwealth) as the plaintiff even though a clear majority 80+% do not support it.

How do you like them apples, Newswatcher?

Have you overlooked this as you attack the federal government drafting regulations and asking for comments?

Answer me this, Newswatcher. When did FITIAL ever put the lawsuit online prior to filing it so that WE THE COMMONWEALTH could comment?! When were we allowed ANY INPUT as citizens. Fitial needs to learn how a democracy works from the Feds and this and all the other comment periods.

His days of tyranny are numbered.

[end comments]

Mother Nature Assists Beautify CNMI!

by The Truth Reporter

Beautify CNMI! was started years ago in order to bring the community together to clean up the CNMI. Weekly clean-ups and tree plantings occur on a monthly basis from one end of the island to the other. All of the participants in Beautify CNMI! are volunteers. "They take their time off from work or play and spend a couple hours every month helping make this place Beautiful!", said Mr. Golynuk the spokesman for the group.

For the fourth time in the last four months, Beautify CNMI! has had an unexpected volunteer roll up her sleeves and assist. Mother Nature has stepped in to help with the Beautify CNMI! efforts in the Marianas. This month she sent us Tropical Storm 23W to clean out all of the roadside billboard junk that has been littering the island. "It is the political season and as usual we see a lift in road side littering.", say Mother Nature, "This is to be expected and I am always there to sweep in and clean it up."

Nature showed us some historical data that indicated in the past she used to send the clean up crews of storms through this region in early February. Over the past 30 years however she made some adjustments to align with the election campaigning months. She did indicate that she was surprised by the determination of the litter bugs. "No matter how far I throw their crappy signs and billboards, they are back up in about a week like clockwork.", she said with a frown, "They put 'em up, I will keep knocking them down. Eventually they will get the message that the billboards are an eyesore and as far as I am concerned a littering violation."

I attempted to get some of the various campaign chairmen to respond to the accusation made by Nature of littering but was unable. The one office that did pick up the phone said that they could not be bothered right now as they were securing the few remaining billboards that were not tossed to sea overnight as the storm passed.

In other 'campaign sign' related news, J. Maritita is still very upset at the sign vandals that keep defacing her billboards. she issued a statement yesterday warning everyone that if caught she will send boys San Antonio to kick their asses.

Part One of Fitial's DPS Plan: Completed Successfully

The Truth Reporter

Although it caught our own Daily Truth reporter by surprise, it appears that today's
protest by DPS officers was actually a planned press conference. According to Administration officials the 10:00am scheduled photo opportunity and press conference was held as planned at the Administration Building. It included DPS officials and the Governor. The 30 officers and their family members showed up with a list of demands and media reporters followed.

Press Secretary Reyes thanked all those in attendance and received the list of demands from the officers. "It was very successful. This is once again in line with the Governor's plan. We have thoroughly destroyed all ounces of credibility with upper management at DPS. We scheduled this conference to ensure that the entire public would see just how bad things are at DPS. We asked the officers to show up with placards and bullhorns so that the public would be fully aware of the mess that this administration had caused." He went on to specify, "I use the past-tense 'had' because that is only the first stage of the bigger plan." Reyes informed the media that they will be holding another press conference on Nov 5th.

Reyes stated, "The November 5th Press Conference will be held at DPS and will focus primarily on photo shoot opportunities." The media learned that they will have the Governor being lifted up by the officers that were here today. He will be smiling as will the officers. He will give each officer a big hug and a banner will be held up that says "DPS Fixed By Fitial!".

Reyes warned, "we can't get too ahead of ourselves. The governor will first issue the State of Emergency for DPS tomorrow. This will allow him to shift over ARRA funds to generate the needed morale boost for the force. Homestead application are yet to be completed by the irked officers and we are still running into problems with a few that are refusing our 'happying' efforts."

We tried to contact the officers that marched up to the hill but were unable to. DPS informed us that they were all meeting privately with the Governor and could not be disturbed.

A few legislators did comment but asked not to be identified. They said "This is terrible. These officers deserve more. This administration's mismanagement has caused a disaster. We need to look into the serious allegations of nepotism and corruption that have been brought up and conduct a thorough desk audit." They attempted to continue but were cut short when they over heard the information released by Reyes. "Oh hell! Not again!" was all they ended with.

We have been informed that the public is welcome to attend the November 5 photo opportunity.